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clear one

下面围绕“clear one”主题解决网友的困惑

Clear one 840T音频处理器后面接口怎么把话筒信号进

1. 麦克直接接1-4路输入(input)凤凰插从左到右顺序接正、负、地。2. 调音台或者其他设备麦克信号总输出接入到设备1-4路任意一路,在软件里把幻象供电关掉,或者...

clear one's mind是什么意思

清醒头脑 clear one's mind of doubt 消除心中疑团.clear one's mind of 设法忘却

clear one's name是什么意思

英文解释:To prove someone is innocent of a crime or misdeed of which he has been accused.中文解释:证明某人是清白的.例句:She not only wanted to be acquit...


嗓子哑了英文:lose one's voice.1、嗓子疼have a sore throat;have a sore throat.2、清嗓子clear one's throat.3...


浪子回头 return to the fold;clear one's skirts;range oneself更多释义>> [网络短语]浪子回头 return of the prodigal son;Prodigal Son;return to the fold ...

clear one's conscience中文是什么意思啊~~应该不是

没错,问心无愧的意思。clear my conscience 我问心无愧

clear your name 怎么翻译?

clear one's name :证明某人是清白的 例句:She not only wanted to be acquitted, she wanted to clear her name entirely.希望能帮到你,望采纳,谢谢!


clear one’s name。9、赢得不朽的名声 win enduring fame/renown。10、名声好 enjoy a good/high reputation;be h...

清嗓子clear my throat 的声音的英语是什么

ahem 啊咳(咳嗽或清嗓子的声音)

找你妹clear one theming level 任务什么意思

clear one theming level清扫关卡中的他们

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